About the Journal
The Revista de Investigaciones Folclóricas (Journal of Folklore Research), RIF from here, emerged as the result of our interest in concentrating the Argentine and Latin-American Folklore production that was scattered in several periodicals, and thus, difficult to locate. RIF first volume appeared in 1986, sixteen volumes have been published since then. RIF appears once a year, on December.
Since the beginning, RIF has been publishing articles concerning: (a) research in Folklore, (b) new theoretical and methodological approaches, and (c) critical and thought-provoking discussions within our field of study. Articles dealing with issues related to Folklore Studies, but shared, at the same time, with the Social Sciences and Humanities are also welcome. Although special interest is devoted to Argentine and Latin-American production, translated papers presented by well-known European and American folklorists are also accepted, not only because these articles are hard to find in this geographical area, but also because of our interest to keep our academic community informed about the current state of the discipline in other parts of the world.
During these sixteen years, RIF has presented articles from researchers representing different approaches, as a way of showing the myriad of positions within our discipline. Throughout the beginning and due to its continuity, we have been able to fulfill our goal, mainly to establish a communication channel that allows the interchange of Folklore and other Social Sciences research experiences that promote a valuable dialogue among colleagues from different latitudes.
Each volume contains an English abstract of every published paper. It also contains a section devoted to news and a third one to book reviews. RIF is distributed to University Libraries and Research Centers over 35 countries.
RIFs eight first volumes were sponsored by the Department of Folklore of the Institute of Anthropology, that belongs to the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Buenos Aires. The following two volumes were sponsored by the Argentine Foundation of Anthropology and from volume Nº 11 until now it has been published independently. Since the publication of volume Nº 13, we have changed the English word Folklore for its Spanish cognate Folclore.
In this Web site, you will find RIFs indexes from volume Nº 1 to 16 and the article texts of the last three volumes published until now, that is to say volume Nº 14, December 1999, volume Nº 15, December 2000, and volume Nº 16, December 2001.
Contributions, requests for interlibrary exchange, subscriptions and general questions should be addressed to:
Revista de Investigaciones Folclóricas
Casilla de Correo Nº 121
1428 Buenos Aires
Tel / Fax: (54-11) 4781-7550
E-mail: mblache@elsitio.net
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