La gestión del turismo y sus problemáticas desde visiones sociales

La gestión del turismo y sus problemáticas desde visiones sociales
Bibliografia de Turismo y Cultura
Selección de libro y articulos a cargo de Margarita Barreto y Alfredo Ascanio
- ANDRADE, Jose Vicente de.-Turismo, fundamentos e dimensões, S.P.,Ática, 1992, 215 pág..
- BANDUCCI, Alvaro & BARRETTO, Margarita.- Turismo e identidade local: Uma visão antropológica, Campinas, Papirus, 2001, 208 pág.
- BARRETTO, Margarita.- Análise da Utilidade Social dos Museus de Campinas, Separata no. 2, Boletim do Curso de Turismo, São Paulo, Faculdade Ibero-Americana, Novembro de 1994, formato 21,5 x 15,5, 80 páginas. (Separata extraída da Dissertação de Mestrado do mesmo nome defendida em 12 de Agosto de 1993 na Faculdade de Educação da Unicamp, Depto. de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas)
- ____________.- Manual de Iniciação ao Estudo do Turismo, Campinas, Papirus, 1995, 186 pág.
- _____________.- Turismo e Legado Cultural, Campinas, Papirus, 2000, 102 pág.
- BONALD, Olimpio.-Planejamento e Organização de Turismo, Recife, Empetur, 1984.
- ______________.-Teoria e Técnica de Turismo, Recife, Empetur, 1977.
- BONIFACE, Priscila.- Managing Quality Cultural Tourism, London, Routledge, 1995
- BOYER, , Marc. L'invention du tourisme. Paris, Découvertes/ Gallimard, 1996.
- BROWN, Frances.- Tourism Reassessed, blight or blessing?, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998, 141 pág.
- CASTELLI, Geraldo.-Turismo, análise e organização, Porto Alegre, Sulina, 1975, 184 pág.
- CECIL, W.A.V.- Biltmore Estate and the Business of Historic Preservation, in MURPHY, P.
- CHAMBERS, Erve.- Tourism and Culture, Albany, State University of New York Press, 1997.
- CORIOLAN, Luzia Neide. M. T.- Turismo com ética, Fortaleza, FUNECE, 1998, 407 p.
- CRAIK, J.- The culture of tourism, in URRY, J.- Touring Cultures, London, Routledge, 1997.
- DJURKKITCH, Alexandre.-Modelo Alaguano de Turismo Social, Alagoas, Empresa Alaguana de Turismo, 1982, 56 pág.
- DOMINGUES, Celestino.-Dicionário técnico de turismo, Publicações Dom Quixote, 1990.
- FELLINI S. Lourdes.- Introdução ao Turismo, Porto Alegre, ECS/EST, 1977, 89 pág.
- _________________.-Turismo, viabilidade e alternativas, Porto ALegre, EST, 1981, 63 pág.
- _________________.- Turismo Rural, Porto Alegre, EST, 1981, 62 pág.
- _________________.- Turismo, uma atividade municipal, Porto Alegre, EST, 1983, 79 pág.
- FERRAZ, Joandre.- Legislação do Turismo, R.J., CNTur/EMbratur, 1977, 190 pág.
- _______________.- Regime Jurídico do Turismo, Campinas, Papirus, 1992, 162 pág.
- FLORES, Maria Bernardete R.- Oktoberfest: Turismo, festa e cultura na estação do Chopp, Florianópolis, Letras contemporâneas, 1997, 188 pág.
- GONÇALVES, J. R.- Autenticidade, Memória e Ideologias Nacionais: O problema dos patrimônios culturais, Estudos Históricos, R.J., 1[2], 1988, p. 264-275.
- HEWISON, R.- The heritage industry, London, Methuen paperbacks, 1987.
- HORNE, David.- The great museum, London, Pluto Press, 1984.
- HUGUES, H.- Urban Tourism and the performing arts, in MURPHY, P.
- JAFARI, J.- La cientifización del Turismo, Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo, 3(1), 1994, 7-36.
- JOHNSON, N.C.- Framing the past: time, space and the politics of heritage tourism in Ireland, Political Geography, 18, 1999, 187-207.
- JOHNSON, P. & THOMAS, B.- Tourism, Museums and the Local Economy: The Economic Impact of the North of England Open Air Museum at Beamish, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, England, 1992.
- JURDAO ARRONES, Francisco (complilador).- Los mitos del turismo, Barcelona, Endymion, 1992
- KELLNER, Douglas.- Popular Cultures and the construction of postmodern identities, in LASH, S & FRIEDMAN, J., Modernity and Identity, UK, Blackwell, 1992.
- KIRSHENBLATT-GIMBLETT, Barbara.- Destination Culture: Tourism, Museums and Heritage, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1998
- LANFANT, François. M.- International Tourism, identity and change, London, Sage, 1995
- LASH, Scott . & URRY, John.- Economies of Sign and Space, London, Sage, 1994
- LE GOFF, Jcques.- História e Memória, Campinas, Ed. Unicamp, 1990.
- LEMOS, Amália Inês G. de (org.). Turismo; impactos socioambientais. São Paulo : Hucitec, 1996.
- LUCHIARI, Maria Tereza D. P.- Turismo e cultura caiçara no litoral norte paulista. In: Luchiari, Maria Tereza D. P. (org.) Turismo e meio ambiente. Campinas: IFCH/UNICAMP, Textos Didáticos, nº 31 (2), dez/1997, p.53-82
- LUMLEY, Robert.- The Museum Time Machine:Putting cultures on display, London, Routledge, 1988.
- . MACCANNELL, Dean. The tourist; a new theory of leisure class. Berkerly e Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1999.
- MARTINS, João Batista. Marolas Antropológicas: identidades em mudanças na Praia do Santinho. Florianópolis : UFSC, 1995 (Dissertação: Mestrado em Antropologia Social).
- MURPHY, Peter.- Quality Management in Urban Tourism, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1997.
- __________.- Tourism: a community approach, London, Routledge, 1985
- NERY, Paulo R. Albieri. 1998. Viagem, Passeio, Turismo. Rio de Janeiro: Museu Nacional/ UFRJ. Tese (Doutorado em Antropologia Social).
- NORA, Pierre. Entre memória e história - a problemática dos lugares, Revista do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em História e do Departamento de História da Puc-SP, São Paulo, 1993.
- NORRIS NICHOLSON, H.- Collusion, Collision or Challenge? Indigenous Tourism and Cultural Experience in British Columbia, Canada, in MURPHY, P.
- PAIVA, Maria das Graças Venâncio.- Sociologia do Turismo, Campinas, Papirus, 1995, 88 pág.
- PELLEGRINI Filho, Américo.- Ecologia, Cultura e Turismo, Campinas, Papirus, 1983, 189 pág.
- PEREIRA, Arlete M.- Bibliografia sobre Turismo, R.J., Senac, 1988.
- PIRES, Mário Jorge.- Lazer e turismo cultural, S.P., Manole, 2001
- POZENATO, J.C.- Carta de viagem, Caxias do Sul, Educs, 1992.
- RODRIGUES, Adyr Balastreri (org.). Turismo e ambiente: reflexões e propostas. São Paulo : Hucitec, 1977b.
- ____________. Turismo e desenvolvimento local. São Paulo : Hucitec, 1977c.
- ____________. Turismo; modernidade; modernização. São Paulo : Hucitec, 1977d.
- ROJEK, Cris. & URRY, John.- Touring Cultures, Routledge, 1997..
- SANTANA, Agustín .- Antropologia y Turismo ¿nuevas hordas, viejas culturas?, Barcelona, Ariel, 1997.
- ____________.- Patrimonio cultural y turismo: reflexiones y dudas de un anfitrión, in I Congreso Virtual de Antropologia y Arqueologia,, 1998
- SERRANO, Célia., BRUHNS, Heloísa., LUCHIARI, Maria Tereza.- Olhares contemporâneos sobre o Turismo, Campinas, Papirus, 2000, 206 pág.
- SMITH, Valene.L.-Hosts and Guests: The anthropology of Tourism, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977.
- STEIL, Carlos Alberto - O sertão das romarias. Um estudo antropológico sobre o Santuário de Bom Jesus da Lapa - Bahia. Ed.: Vozes, Petrópolis, 1996.
- __________________ - "Peregrinação e turismo: o Natal em Gramado e Canela". Em: XXII Reunião anual da ANPOCS. Caxambu, 1998.
- TULIK, Olga.- Turismo e Repercussões no Espaço Geográfico, Turismo em Análise, 1(2), 1990,63-77.
- TURISMO E CULTURA: A história dos atrativos regionais, URI/FAPERGS, 2001, Organizado por Ana Beatriz R. Gonçalves e Claudette Boff.
- URRY, John.- Consuming Places, London, Routledge, 1995
- ____________.- O olhar do Turista, Nobel, S.P., 1996
- ______________.- Touring Cultures, London, Routledge, 1997
- WALL, Geoffrey.- Linking heritage and tourism in an Asian City: The case of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in MURPHY, P.
- YÁZIGI, Eduardo et al. (org.). Turismo: espaço, paisagem e cultura. São Paulo : Hucitec,
- ZUKIN, Sharon.- Landscapes of Power, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1993
Andersen, A. 1999. Cross - cultural Conflicts in Fire Management in Northern Australia: Not so Black and White. Wildlife and Ecology, CSIRO Tropical Ecosystems Research Center. Ecological Society of
Archibold, G.; A. Chiari ; B. Houseal y C. MacFarland. 1984. Indigenous Cultures and Protected Areas in Central America. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Artemel, S. 1984 . The Preservation of the Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Bosphorus: A Pilot Project. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Bassing, A. 1984. Cultural Parks and the Human Factor. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Berón, M.; Baffi, E.I; Molinari, R; Barrientos, G.; Aranda, C. y L. Luna. 1998. Estructuras Funerarias de Momentos Tardíos en Pampa-Patagonia. El "Chenque" de Lihué Calel. IV Jornadas de Arqueología de la Patagonia. Río Gallegos 2 al 6 de noviembre.
Bertini, S.; A. Garabello y R. Saini. 1984. Uses of Natural Parks: Relationships between Tourists and Social Inhabitants in the Piedmont Region. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Borreli, L. V. 1984. Archaeological Parks in Italy. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Buyong, K.B.B. 1984. Bujang Valley: Malaysia's Historical Park. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Boyle, S. C. 2000. Interpretar y Planificar: un Proceso Efectivo y Eficiente. Ponencia presentada a las Jornadas Internacionales de Turismo. Federación, Entre Ríos.
Campo de Batalla Palo Alto. Sitio Histórico Nacional - Texas. 1997. Borrador Plan General Administrativo. Evaluación del Medio Ambiente. Departamento del Interior de los Estados Unidos. Servicio de Parques Nacionales. 173 pags.
Casañas, Miriam K. y P. G. Steffan. 1999. Manejo de Recursos Arqueológicos y Paleontológicos en el área del Río Quequén Salado, Partido de Tres Arroyos. Y conservación del Archivo Histórico Municipal de Tres Arroyos. Seminario de Manejo de Recursos Culturales y Conservación de materiales arqueológicos. Carrera de Arqueología. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires. Manuscrito.
Chaloupka, G. 1983. Beyond cultural sites. Visitors to Aboriginal Sites: access, control and management. Proceedings of the 1983 Kakadu Workshop. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. Canberra.
Chang, L.-S. y T. Mc Henry. 1984. The Yami of Orchid Island: Past Problems and Future Hopes of Government Policy. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A
Chase - Harrell, P. The Use of Interpretative Techniques to Increase Visitor Understanding and Reduce Pressure on Fragile Resources: the West Bank of the Nile at Luxor. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Christopher, P. 1984. The Role of the Pacific Area Travel Association in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Clegg, J. 1983. Some thoughts on the interpretation of prehistoric pictures. Visitors to Aboriginal Sites: access, control and management. Proceedings of the 1983 Kakadu Workshop. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. Canberra.
Conservación. 1992. Sitios Sagrados: Una Conversación con Sharon Sullivan. Nota editorial del Boletín del GCI: Conservación. Vol. VII. N° II. U.S.A.
Coronado National Memorial. Plan General de Manejo. 2000. Carta Noticiosa Número 1. Departamento del Interior de los Estados Unidos. Servicio de Parques Nacionales.
Correa Saavedra, M. A. 1984. A Cultural Center Project for Chile. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Coulthard, C. 1983. Site management in France: some lessons for Australia. Visitors to Aboriginal Sites: access, control and management. Proceedings of the 1983 Kakadu Workshop Australia.
Cronje, B. 1984. The National Open-Air Museum of South Africa. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Einbender, L. y D. B. Wood. 1991. Social Forestry in the Navajo Nation. Journal of Forestry, Vol 89, Nº 1.
Esparza, M. 1984. Reality and Ideology: The Case of Mexico. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Ferraro, L. y R. Molinari 1999. Arte en el manejo: procesos naturales de deterioro, graffitis y difusión interpretativa en sitios arqueológicos del PN Perito Moreno (Prov. de Santa Cruz). XIII Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Argentina. Simposio Recursos Culturales Arqueológicos. Córdoba
Feuer, W. E. 1984. New York State's Urban Cultural Park System: An Innovative Use of Historic Assets to Promote Tourism. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Ficha de Registro de Recursos del Patrimonio Cultural en Areas Protegidas, 1999. Administración de Parques Nacionales, Buenos Aires.
Flood, J. 1983. Interpretation of Rock Art and Archaeological Sites Visitor to Aboriginal Sites: access, control and management. Proceedings of the1983 Kakadu workshop. Australia.
Franceaux, C. 19??. National Park Service Planning. National Park Service.U.S.A.
Friesema, H. P. 1984. American Indians and the National Parks of the Southwest. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Gale, F. 1983. The protection of Aboriginal rock art from tourists at Ubirr, Kakadu National Park. Visitors to Aboriginal Sites: access, control and management. Proceedings of the 1983 Kakadu Workshop. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. Canberra.
Gale, F. y J. M. Jacobs 1987. Tourists and the National Estate. Procedures to protect Australia's heritage. Australian Government Publishing Service. Canberra.
Gillespie, D. 1983. Ubirr- a case study in compromise. Visitors to Aboriginal Sites: access, control and management. Proceedings of the 1983 Kakadu Workshop. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. Canberra.
Goldsmith, B. (Editor) 1991. Monitoring for Conservation and Ecology. University College. London.
Gordon, R.1984. Conserving Bushmen to Extinction in Southern Africa (Precise only). International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Grand Canyon National Park. 1997. Resource Management Plan. U.S.A.
Greenberg, A.M. 1984. Game Preserves and Native Peoples: A Northern Ontario Example. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Ham, S. 1993. Anatomía de un buen sendero autoguiado. Interpretación ambiental.
Hammond, K. 1994. ¿Por qué un plan de interpretación? Parque Nacional El Palmar. Manuscrito.
Hardman, M. 1984. Park Development in One Third of Australia. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Hohlfelder, R. 1984 Caesarea Maritima, Israel: A National Park and an International Archeological Monument Under Siege. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Hon-Kyu, K. 1984. Silla Culture Preserved in Kyongju National Park. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
ICOMOS. 1993. Tourism at World Heritage Cultural Sites: The site manager's handbook. Washington., D.C.
Jabbour, A. 1984. Cultural Conservation and the Pineland National Reserve (precis only). International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Jacobsen, B. 1984. Cultural Sites and Tourism: a Regional Perspective from the South Pacific. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Jones, R. 1983. From Xanadu to Kakadu: interpretative ideas for the prehistory of a pleasure park. Visitors to Aboriginal Sites: access, control and management. Proceedings of the 1983 Kakadu Workshop. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. Canberra.
Judge, W. 1984. Cultural Parks: Portraits of the Human Experience. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Kovacs, T. 1984. Northern National Parks and Native People: the Canadian Experience. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Langley, S. M. B. 1984. Heritage Resources: Underwater Parks in Canada. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Lellep Fernández, R. 1984. Cheesemaking as a Living Culture Resource in Covadonga National Park, Spain. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Lewis, Shea. 1998. Presenting Archeology to the public. Legacy. Vol. 9 Nº 5.
Ludeña Restaure, H. 1984 . Visitor Impact on Peru's Cultural Resources. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Luna, L. 2000. Propuestas para el Manejo de recursos del sitio Chenque 1, Parque Nacional Lihue Calel, Provincia de La Pampa: conservación y transferencia al público. Seminario Manejo de Recursos Culturales. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires. Manuscrito.
MacKinnon, J. (compilador). 1986. Managing Protected Areas in the Tropics. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Gland.
McBryde, I. 1984. Aborigines, Archaeologists, and the Management of Aboriginal Sites in Southeastern Australia. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Molinari, R. 1991. "Recursos Culturales. Sistema de Areas Naturales Protegidas en la Provincia de San Luis." (Informe Interno MS. APN)
Molinari, R. 1997. Proyecto Sendero de Interpretación Histórica "Calera de Barquin'', Parque Nacional El Palmar. Concurso Innovación en Museos 1997. APN.
Molinari, R. 1997. Aportes para la conservación de las Ruinas Históricas "Calera de Barquin" Parque Nacional El Palmar, Provincia de Entre Ríos. APN.
Molinari, R. 1997 a . Estrategia de Conservación del Patrimonio Arqueológico de la Provincia de Santa Cruz. Buenos Aires.
Molinari, R. 1997 b. Lo pasado, pisado?: Manejo de Recursos Culturales en Lihué Calel. Primeras Jornadas de Investigación y Conservación en el Parque Nacional Lihué Calel. La Pampa
Molinari, R. 1998 b. Rumbo a lo conocido: causas, condiciones y consecuencias en la difusión de sitios arqueológicos. IV Jornadas de Arqueología de la Patagonia. 2 al 6 de Noviembre de 1998. Río Gallegos. (en prensa)
Molinari, R.; L. Ferraro; H. A. Paradela y A. Castaño. 2001 Odisea del Manejo: Conservación del Patrimonio Arqueológico y Perspectiva Holística. II Congreso Virtual de Antropología y Arqueología. NAYA. Manuscrito.
Musigakama,N. y M. Thaumcharoen. 1984. The Sukhothai Historic Park. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
National Park Service.1994. Fort Larned. National Historic Site. Kansas. Draft General Management Plan Amendment Development Concept Pla Environmental Assessment. U.S.A.
National Park Service. 1997. Achieving Excellence in Interpretation. U.S.A.
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. 1996. Royal National Park, Heathcote National Park and Garawarra State Recreation Area Plan of Management, Sydney.
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NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. 1998. Blue Mountains National Park. Draft Plan of Management. Sydney.
Nuñez de Rodas, E. 1984. Tikal National Park and Its Problems. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Ocampo Sánchez, R. A. 1984. Indian Communities within the Context of Amistad Biosphere Park. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Parks Canada Guiding Principles and Operational Policies. Cultural Resources Management. 1994.
Parque Nacional Big Bend, Plan General de Manejo y Plan de Manejo para el Silvestre y Escénico Río Grande. S/f. MS.
Peck. C. 1983. Conservation of Four Sites in Western Australia. Visitors to Aboriginal Sites: access, control and management. Proceedings of the 1983 Kakadu Workshop. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. Canberra.
Piriz, M.F. 1997. Investigar y Conservar: Manejo de Recursos Culturales en el Parque Nacional Sierras de las Quijadas (provincia de San Luis). Dirección de Conservación y Manejo. APN. Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores INAPL.
Ridgeway, A. D. 1983. Aboriginal sites and involvement of Aborigines in management and interpretation. Visitors to Aboriginal Sites: access, control and management. Proceedings of the 1983 Kakadu Workshop. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. Canberra.
Ritchie, N. 1984. New Zealand's Historic Heritage: An Overview with specific discussion of Managing Resources in Cultural Parks. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Roberts, M. 1984 Ingredients of Success and Failure in Several Historic Preservation Proyects in Micronesia. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Robles García, N. 1998. Management of Archaeological Resources in Mexico- Experiences in Oaxaca. Exchanges- Interamerican Dialogue. Society for American Archaeology. Vol. 16 Nº 3
Scanlan, P. 1984. Saferguarding Ireland's Cultural and Historic Sites. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Secretary of the Interior´s Standards and Guidelines for Architectural and Engineering Documentation: HABS/HAER Standards. 1990. Historic American Buildings Survey/ Historic American Engineering Record. Cultural Resources Program. U.S. Department of the Interior. National Park Service. Washington, D.C.
Shaver, C. M. 1984. Traditional National Park Values and Living Cultural Praks: Seemingly Conflicting Management Demands Coexisting in Alaska's New National Parklands. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Shure Groos, B. 1984. The Urban Heritage State Park System: A Massachusetts Model for environmental and Economic Revitalization. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Sosa, J. A. 1997. Turismo Arqueológico en el NOA. Una propuesta de desarrollo sustentable. Manuscrito
Stanley Price, N. 1997. Management de Sitios con Arte Rupestre. (Trascripción del Curso dictado en el Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano. Buenos Aires. Mayo de 1997)
Stanton, R. 1984. Cultural Parks in the U.S. National Park system: Their Values And Influences on Intergroup Relations In a Multi-Ethnic Society. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Sullivan, H. 1983. Introduction. Visitors to Aboriginal Sites: access, control and management. Proceedings of the 1983 Kakadu Workshop. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. Canberra.
Sullivan, K. M. 1983. Monitoring Visitor use and Site Management at Three Art Sites an Experiment with Visitor's Books. Visitors to Aboriginal Sites: access, control and management. Proceedings of the 1983 Kakadu Workshop. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. Canberra.
Sullivan, S. 1984. Mootwingee-Conflict and Cooperation at an Australian Historic Site. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Sumardja, E.A.1984. Siberut Reserve Impacts on Indigenous People in West-Sumatra, Indonesia. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Swan, J. 1984. Sacred Sites: Cultural Values and Management Issues. International Perspectives on Cultural Parks. Proceedings of the First World Conference. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. U.S. National Park Service in association with the Colorado Historical Society. U.S.A.
Trapp, S.; Gross, M. y R. Zimmerman. S/f. Signs, Trails, and Wayside Exhibits. Connecting People and Places. Interpreter's Handbook Series. UW-SP Foundation Press. Univ. of Wisconsin. Stevens Point
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ESTUDIOS Y PERSPECTIVAS EN TURISMO, "Antropología y Turismo en Brasil" Vol, 11, Números 1 y 2, 2002
Revista Turismo em Análise
Santos, Glauber Eduardo De Oliveira
2000,Importancia das peregrinações para o turismo
mundial, Turismo em Análise, Vol.11, No. 2, pp. 38- 44
Lins, Hoyedo Nunes
2000, Florianópolis, cluster turístico ?, Turismo
em Análise, Vol.11, No. 2, pp. 55- 70
Bittencourt, Pedro De Alcántara y Veroneze, Beatriz
2000, Turismo rural no Vale do Paraíba Paulista : estudo
de modelos, Turismo em Análise, Vol.11, No. 2, pp. 90- 97
Luchiari, María Teresa
2000, Turismo e meio ambiente na mitificação dos lugares,
Turismo em Análise, Vol.11, No. 1, pp. 35- 43
Ascanio, Alfredo
2000, Turismo : vieja y nueva gastronomía iberoamericana
y del caribe, Turismo em Análise, Vol.11, No. 1, pp. 55-
Pereira, Casio Avelino
1999, Políticas Públicas no Setor de Turismo, Turismo
em Análise, Vol.10, No. 2, pp. 7- 21
Sousa, Maria Eliane Alves de
1999, De manda turística real em pequenas localidades turísticas,
Turismo em Análise, Vol.10, No. 2, pp. 32- 44
Andriolo, Arley,
1999, Aleijadinho e Thebas: afirmação e negação
na realidade turística brasileira, Turismo em Análise,
Vol.10, No. 2, pp. 45- 53
Ikari, Luci Tiho
1999, Imagem do espaço turístico na televisão
japonesa, Turismo em Análise, Vol.10, No. 2, pp. 54- 63
Beni, Mario Carlos
1999, Política e Estratégia do desenvolvimento regional.
Planejamento integrado e sustentável do turismo, Turismo
em Análise, Vol.10, No. 1, pp. 7- 17
Alcántara, María C y Longa, Omaira,
1999, Gestión estratégica de las posadas, Turismo
em Análise, Vol.10, No. 1, pp. 18- 27
Graciose, Vanilson Fickert
1999, Turismo e Metro : parceria viável, Turismo em Análise,
Vol.10, No. 1, pp. 58- 74
Alves, Marcos Cruz
1999, Conscientização turística em Antonina,
Paraná, Turismo em Análise, Vol.10, No. 1, pp. 75-
Ascanio, Alfredo
1999, Preguntas de investigación turística: importancia
del diseño del cuestionario, , Turismo em Análise,
Vol.10, No. 1, pp. 107- 116
Ascanio, Alfredo
1998, El futuro del turismo en Venezuela : cinco estrategias para
reinventar el turismo,
Turismo em Análise, Vol.9, No. 2, pp. 7- 23
Ishiy, Morupi
1998, Turismo e megaeventos esportivos, Turismo em Análise,
Vol.9, No. 2, pp. 47- 61
Burman, Grazia
1998, Impactos da cultura na economia da Bahia: participação
no gasto turístico e consumo de residentes e governo, Turismo
em Análise, Vol.9, No. 2, pp. 70- 87
Provinciali, Vera Lucia Novaes
1998, Desenvolvimento institucional : estratégia para elevação
da competência do órgão oficial de turismo,
Turismo em Análise, Vol.9, No. 1, pp. 20- 36
Endres, Ana Valéria
1998, Sustentabilidade e ecoturismo : conflitos e soluções
a caminho do desenvolvimento,
Turismo em Análise, Vol.9, No. 1, pp. 37- 50
Caroso, Carlos y Rodrigues, Núbia
1998, Nativos, veranistas e turistas: identidades, mudança
e deslocamento sociocultural no litoral Norte da Bahia, Turismo
em Análise, Vol.9, No. 1, pp. 61- 75
Rejowski, Mirian
1998, Realidade versus necessidades da pesquisa turística
no Brasil, Turismo em Análise, Vol.9, No. 1, pp. 82- 91
Pires, Mario Jorge
1997, Turismo no Brasil : imagem e comunicação, Turismo
em Análise, Vol.8, No. 2, pp. 82- 91
Giangiordano, Andrea Claudia
1997, Nuevas fronteras del turismo rural en Europa: el proyecto
LEADER de la Comunidad Europea, Turismo em Análise, Vol.8,
No. 2, pp. 21- 33
Ascanio, Alfredo
1997, Índice ponderado de importancia turística: herramienta
para decisiones estratégicas y políticas, Turismo
em Análise, Vol.8, No. 2, pp. 85- 94
Guardan, Fátima, et. al
1996, Comportamento do consumidor e a escolha das destinações
turísticas, Turismo em Análise, Vol.7, No. 2, pp.
17- 27
Cipriano, Carlos Alex De Cantuaria
1996, Inovação da tradição e sustentabilidade
de estratégias culturais : a hotelaria no circuito do carnaval
da Bahia, Turismo em Análise, Vol.7, No. 2, pp. 63- 76
Etchevarne, Carlos
1996, Proposta para o aproveitamento turístico de áreas
arqueológicas da Bahia, Brasil, Turismo em Análise,
Vol.7, No. 2, pp. 77- 84
Barretto, Margarita
1996, Produção bibliográfica em turismo no
Brasil, Turismo em Análise, Vol.7, No. 2, pp. 93- 102
Beni, Mario Carlos
1996, Globalização e concorrência no mercado
internacional, Turismo em Análise, Vol.7, No. 1, pp. 62-
Meléndez , Anaida
1996, Paradigma de una nueva era del turismo y su relación
con el ambiente y con las oportunidades de empleo turístico,
Turismo em Análise, Vol.7, No. 1, pp. 71- 78
Cruz, Silvia Helena Ribeiro
1996, Turismo na Ilha de Cotijuba sob a percepção
de seus residentes, Turismo em Análise, Vol.7, No. 1, pp.
79- 92
Trigo, Luis Gonzaga Godoy
1996, Espaço sagrado, tempo absoluto, Turismo em Análise,
Vol.7, No. 1, pp. 107- 114
Meléndez, Anaida
1995, Argumentos para la vinculación del desarrollo sostenible
con el patrimonio natural y cultural en turismo, Turismo em Análise,
Vol.6, No. 1, pp. 7- 15
Costa, Flávia Roberta
1995, Recuperação do centro da cidade de São
Paulo e sua importância para o turismo e lazer urbano, Turismo
em Análise, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 25- 43
Tulik, Olga
1994, Efeitos da globalização do turismo, Turismo
em Análise, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 7- 15
Pellegrini Filho, Américo
1994, Subsidios para criterios de preservação ativa
de Monsaraz, Turismo em Análise, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 16- 20
Bahl, Miguel
1994, Imigração como potencialidade turística,
Turismo em Análise, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 21- 32
Viana, Francisco
1993, A revolução dos turistas, Turismo em Análise,
Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 81- 91
Revista Annals of Tourism Research
Pearce, Douglas
1999, Turismo en París : estudios en microescala, Annals
of Tourism Research en Español, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp, 24-46
Waller, Joe y Lea, Stephen
1999, ¿En búsqueda de la España auténtica?:
el papel de la autenticidad en la motivación, Annals of Tourism
Research en Español, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp, 60-81
Bramwell, Bill y Sharman, Angela
1999, Colaboración en el diseño de políticas
turísticas locales, Annals of Tourism Research en Español,
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp, 120-146
Moscardo, Gianna
1999, Interpretando el turismo étnico, Annals of Tourism
Research en Español, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp, 147-166
Kim, Chulwon
1999, Perspectivas culturales cruzadas sobre la motivación,
Annals of Tourism Research en Español, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp,
Casellas, Antonia y Galley, Catherine
1999, El turismo como intercambio cultural, Annals of Tourism Research
en Español, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp, 189-191
Bramwell, Bill
1999, Conservación del patrimonio cultural de Europa, Annals
of Tourism Research en Español, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp, 193-196
Brunt, Paul y Courtney, Paul
1999, La percepción de los impactos socioculturales del turismo
por la población residente, Annals of Tourism Research en
Español, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp, 215-239
Lindberg, Kreg et. al.
1999, Las alternativas de los residentes: análisis en base
a un modelo de elección, Annals of Tourism Research en Español,
Vol. 1, No. 2, pp, 261-277
Tufts, Steven y Milne, Simon
1999, Museos: una perspectiva desde la oferta, , Annals of Tourism
Research en Español, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp, 278-297
De Alburquerque, Klaus y McElroy, Jerome
1999, Turismo y delincuencia en el Caribe, Annals of Tourism Research
en Español, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp, 356-373
Van den Berghe, Pierre y Flores Ochoa, Jorge
2000, Turismo e ideología indígena en Cuzco, Perú,
Annals of Tourism Research en Español, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp,
Tomljenovic, Renata y Faulkner, Bill
2000, Turismo y residentes de tercera edad en una costa del sol,
Annals of Tourism Research en Español, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp,
Steen Jacobson, Jens Kristian
2000, Actitudes antiturísticas: el turismo chárter
en el Mediterráneo, Annals of Tourism Research en Español,
Vol. 2, No. 1, pp, 81-98
Wood, Robert
2000, Turismo de cruceros en el caribe: la globalización
en el mar, Annals of Tourism Research en Español, Vol. 2,
No. 1, pp, 99-128
Kousis, Maria
2000, Turismo y medio ambiente: una perspectiva de los movimientos
sociales, , Annals of Tourism Research en Español, Vol. 2,
No. 1, pp, 129-154
Garrod, Brian y Fyall, Alan
2000, La gestión del turismo patrimonial, Annals of Tourism
Research en Español, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp, 264-291
Fredline, Elizabeth y Faulkner, Bill
2000, Reacciones de la comunidad : análisis de clusters,
Annals of Tourism Research en Español, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp,
Jiang, Jeff, et. al
2000, Validación de la escala internacional de roles turísticos,
, Annals of Tourism Research en Español, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp,
De Alburquerque, Klaus y McElroy, Jerome
2001, Acoso al turista: resultados de una encuesta realizada en
Barbados, , Annals of Tourism Research en Español, Vol. 3,
No. 1, pp, 47-64
Mitchell, Ross y Reid , Donald
2001, Integración comunitaria: turismo insular en Perú,
, Annals of Tourism Research en Español, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp,
Williams, John y Lawson, Rob
2001, Aspectos de la vida comunitaria y opiniones de los residentes
sobre el turismo, , Annals of Tourism Research en Español,
Vol. 3, No. 1, pp, 173-196
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